Advocating for Braille in the Wider World (Extra 18)

This session talked through advocacy strategies that you can use to facilitate access to braille in the wider world. This includes having healthcare and other personal communication sent to you in braille, as well as advocating for braille signage in public places.

This session was recorded on Tuesday 16 March 2021. For further information please visit the Braillists Foundation Media Page.


An Introduction to Unified English Braille (Extra 10)

Led by James Bowden, Braille Technical Officer at RNIB, this session answered questions such as: How does UEB differ from Standard English Braille? Where can you learn about the changes? What tips and tricks are there for switching to UEB?

This session was recorded on Tuesday 19 January 2021. For further information please visit the Braillists Foundation Media Page.



An Introduction to the Abacus (Extra 9)

What is an Abacus and why would you use one? In this session, led by James Bowden, participants learnt about the various features of the Abacus and why it is ideal for use as a blind person.

The session covered:

  • Physical description and orientation
  • The beads and their meaning
  • Setting numbers
  • Basic addition
  • Overflows and carries

If you have an Abacus, you might find it helpful to have it with you so that you can follow along.

This session was recorded on Tuesday 8 December 2020. For further information please visit the Braillists Foundation Media Page.



An Introduction to Braille Labelling (Extra 8)

This event introduced participants to the various types of braille labels available and how to create their own labels using a range of materials.

The session covered using a slate and stylus, a Perkins brailler and a braille labeller to produce labels, as well as tips for labelling various products around the home. It also took a look at writing greetings cards in braille.

This session was recorded on Tuesday 1 December 2020. For further information please visit the Braillists Foundation Media Page.



An Introduction to Braille Music (Extra 7)

This session was a practical introduction to braille music. We covered basic music notation and where to access braille music. This session was led by James Bowden, Braille Technical Officer at RNIB.

This session was recorded on Tuesday 24 November 2020. For further information please visit the Braillists Foundation Media Page.

